Jitka Jitro
I offer Special Tantra Massages
Through touch, we heal and harmonize our body, heart and soul. Touch is our natural need. Without it, we lose joy, relaxation and spontaneous creativity. We need to give and receive it often.
In my tantric massage, you will draw the touches of consciousness, full of living energy, love and acceptance. It opens up more space in you to receive pleasure in life.

Kashmiri Tantra Massage
This is a gentle, sensual massage ritual from northern India, from the tradition of Kashmir Shaivism. It connects your masculine and feminine polarity, the inner child and the Buddha within you - your divinity. You are coming into deep contact with these four energies. The healing that can occur at the same time happens without the intention of healing the giver. The whole body is sensually pampered, without focusing on any specific part of the body. This meditative experience will help you increase your ability to give and receive pleasure, free the flow of subtle energy in your body, and awaken your senses.
Tandava Massage
Flowing, presence in sensitive touch. Tandava means dance, the movement in it does not come from the intention of the giver, it happens by itself. First, our inner movements align, when the connection occurs, you can relax into the massage that arises in the very moment it is happening. The massage has the principles of Kashmiri tantric massage, you experience your masculine and feminine sides, the sensitive child and the divine being that you are. By connecting them in the body, you become a more harmonious being.
You can book a two- or three-hour Tantra Massage or All-day Therapy with me.
When does Jitka have a free spot?
Call: +420 605 832 121, or by ordering through Reservation Button below. Please BOOK in ADVANCE